
Sir Walter DNA

At The Garden’s Butler we are more than happy to help you choose and install the lawn that is right for you.

Whether it be in a shady area or full sun, heavy traffic or none at all. We will advise the right turf for the area in need.

What we do?

We first measure the area to work out the square meters. Then calulate the soil that needs to go in and the turf. We bring in fresh soil to help the newly layed turf and to level the area accordingly.

Onced layed we water in with a seasol and a wetting agent to help root growth and promote moisture into the depths of the soil.

We happliy measure, choose the right turf and quote for free.

Turfs too choose from are Sir Walter Buffalo, Eureka Kikuyu, TIFTUF Bermuda, RTF tall Fescue, Santa Ana Couch, Sir Grange Zoysia to name but a few.

We believe in the correct preparation and correct installation will give you the lush green lawn you desire.